Break Out Your Camera

April 09, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Most of us are spending our days at home waiting for the green light to socialize & work again.  I have been catching up on things like sewing my son's oversized teddy bear (that tore about 2 months ago), organizing my hot-mess basement & trying out new recipes.  Some of you may love to sew, organize, cook or bake.  While I enjoy all of these things my favorite pass time is....wait for!  So I thought I would create a little blog that would inspire others to break out their cameras & try capturing new pictures to help pass their quarantine time! 

Everyone reading this blog owns a camera-everyone!  What's your camera like?  Is it built into your phone?  Old & vintage?  New & modern & mirrorless?  Mine happens to be a Canon & I love it!  No matter what name brand, make or model your camera is now is the time to use it!  Here are some photo ideas for you to try at home!

1) Sunlight!  When the warm spring light is shining in the window & your pets are sunbathing...take advantage of them & shoot away!  Or step outside & practice focusing on a tree...try standing so the sunlight is behind the tree then move & take the same picture with the sunlight shining next to the tree!

2) Perspective!  When your kids are busy playing take a picture of them that tells a story without asking them to pose.  Think outside the box and do not even include their face in the frame.  My examples show when my son climbed a tree & played football.  Without showing his face or the entire picture you know exactly what he was doing in each picture.

3) Nature!  You may have a large field behind your home, a row of trees or a tiny window garden...regardless the size of landscape you can use it to practice the settings on your camera.  If you have your camera on automatic take time to try manual.  Both of my sample pictures below I took my time with (because flowers don't mind waiting on me) & I changed my settings to create that nice bokeh background! 

Hopefully I inspired you to try something a little different with your camera!

When this shut down is over I hope to book many sessions & photograph portraits...I'm enjoying trying new recipes & sewing but I simply love creating photographs!


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